Dear Reader

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Monday, April 23, 2012

New Sunday School at The Mother Church

April 22, 2012, opened a new era for children within The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.  Their Sunday School has been relocated within the main edifice. This adaptation of earlier uses of the space took many months. Construction openings were covered, but tantalizing sounds seeped out. Drawings in the escalator lobby showed glimpses of what was coming.

After the morning service, the congregation was invited to see for themselves, look over the new rooms, meet the teachers, officers, and pupils, and enjoy refreshments.

The formerly echoing, vaulted escalator lobby was now alive with children, teens, parents, and other church members. 
View of the new Sunday School entrance, replacing
some of the former coat rooms. There are still coat
rooms open on either side.
Overview as seen by the superintendent during opening exercises.
Note God's names written on the backs of the smallest chairs.

A happy swarm of families prevented a good shot
of the nursery area, but this seems to be a class
for the next step up.
Here's the furniture layout for an older class.
Note the library and portable white boards.

A quiet corner for a young adult class.
Reference/research section, near the front door.

Our photos show just some aspects of the colorful scene.

One is reminded of Mary Baker Eddy's statement that the value of The Mother Church would be largely determined by its treatment of the children entrusted to the care of its families and Sunday School:

"Hitherto, I have observed that in proportion as this church has smiled on His 'little ones,' He has blessed her,"
                            from her collected prose works, MY 17: 29-31


"It is a joy to know that they who are faithful over foundational trusts, such as the Christian education of the dear children, will reap the reward of rightness, rise in the scale of being, and realize at last their Master's promise, 'And they shall be all taught of God.' "
                             from her collected prose works, MY 230:22

The Sunday School's time-line of the evolution of Christianity
includes Mary Baker Eddy, the early 20th century theologian,
Christian healer, preacher, writer, and Bible interpreter
who founded the Christian Science church.

(Photos by Sara and Roy Barnacle)