Dear Reader

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Monday, July 23, 2012

Despite Gadgets

Give a person enough electronic gadgets and her blogging falls to the side, OK, the rear.

Here's some of what I've missed the occasion to write about in a timely fashion.

The project of keeping lantanas prospering. Roy often surprises me
with new flowers. These are amazing bloomers, if you keep the spent ones plucked.

Fabulous visit to Chicago's Art Institute, maybe the only place Mao is still honored
-- in this case, with a huge wall to himself and crowded docent tours.

New cell phone means new camera, new PDF file for a manual, irritating learning curve. This phone starts doing things, right in your pocket when you think it's turned off. Speak, for thy user heareth.
Wonderful picnic, birdwatching, and wading trip to the state reservation beach
on Plum Island, Newburyport, Mass., with daughter #2.

There, now you are caught up with some of what's been going on here. The rest of the country has been on fire, or nearly so, and we've had unusually long hot/humid spells. But still, New England is green, I can swim as often as I want, I am well-fed, right down to the occasional kiddie cone soft serve. I just finished re-reading Jane Eyre for the first time in at least 30 years (Wow! what a book! So up to date, in many ways. Or rather, timeless in its insights.).

Despite all screaming evidence to the contrary, I can still say securely, "Life is good."