Dear Reader

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Monday, September 3, 2012

Best Beach Day

It was a bad moment for me, when I realized that this summer bade fair to be the first in my post-infantile life when I would not swim in the ocean even once. My daughter Rachel, her husband Rob, and Leah's children -- the McFall grands-- set out to prevent that sad statistic. They invited me to a New Hampshire beach one day toward the end of August. It was a glorious day, and here's some of what happened.
Rachel, Kaleigh, and Gavin attack the wet sand with a view toward serial burials. Rob, meanwhile, is assessing the surf. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of family body- and board-surfing. Of which there was plenty.

It should be a law -- every child gets at least
one ocean beach day per summer.

Gavin has Aunt Rachel covered, as much of her as his
anticipation of burying the rest of the family would allow.
Come on, Gavin, let's get wet!
Kaleigh enjoying a nectarine and her ocean view.

Yes, I would highly recommend Wallis Sands State Beach in Rye, New Hampshire. It was crowded, but pleasantly so. One of my criteria for a happy day on a crowded beach is NO RADIOS. This was a crowd intent on wringing every possible enjoyment from sand, surf, sun, and each other. Thank you, Rachel and Rob, for engineering this event -- and Rob's Dad for the loan of his spacious SUV, so we could all fit in, big surf board included.