Dear Reader

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Friday, November 16, 2012

autumn pipedreams

Listening via "Pipedreams" to a grand English organ on a chilly November evening, I feel like taking you on a walk
through my autumn.

I thought for sure this would be my last
kitchen-window bouquet for the year. 

But then, along came one last brave bud pushing skyward from our Queen Elizabeth rose.
Here is her final offspring for the season. What a finale!

Roy reignited his life-long interest in garden railroads. Here are a few shots of his autumn activity. I plan to do a more thorough job recording this project, another night.
"We been workin' on the railroad, all the live-long
day" The wee men break into song.
The box of little Preiser workers
arrived from Germany via Ebay.
Roy made his own photographic
explorations of the evolving layout,
which you will just have to wait to see.

We took a walk in the beech woods of Lost Valley
 late one afternoon. The glow is much more
remarkable than shows in this little photo.
In November, the most magical colors spring up among the shrubs and weed trees.
Here Roy is blowing the first (or maybe second, third?) leaf fall
away from the roadside, preparing for the approaching wind and rain.
We are using the bountiful leaves to build up the property on one end of the lawn.
The leaf compost makes a great place to grow spuds.

And the grande finale, the indisputable proof that autumn will soon shiver into winter. Our wood pile.

You are always welcome
before our fire.