Dear Reader

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Queen of Roses

Among the best combinations the world offers, if one marries an Englishman, one marries a gardener. I did.

Roy's supreme success to date, during our less than two years of marriage, is his Queen Elizabeth rose, planted in this the year of the original's diamond jubilee.

Here are the first two blooms, surpassingly
beautiful and perfectly pink.
As is his custom, Roy picked his best to bring
in the house.  It stayed alert a long time.
There have been other beauties, such as
the rununculus on our deck last summer.
And Roy's old-fashioned, deep pink roses
that, with encouragement, bloom all summer.
Note the blueberry pancakes made with
wild Maine berries.